Before beginning any conscious connection, such as running energy, I do Heart Focused Breathing:

    SHIFT FOCUS – focus on the area around the heart. This is the energy center (chakra) that connects our more physical connections to earth energy and the higher cosmic energy from the God source or the All. Imaging your breath flowing in and our of that chakra.

    SHIFT BREATH – breathe a bit slower and deeper than usual. A count of 5-8 in, then out, will help you to keep steady, even breathing in and out through the heart.

    SHIFT EMOTION – activate a positive or renewing emotion or feeling. Feel, really feel, a time you experienced compassion, love, awe. In my first experience with this exercise I would watch my dog. Complete love. Another was the awesomeness I felt overlooking the Grand Canyon, or an incredible sunset/sunrise. The feeling that all is right with the world and I am filled with love.

I suggest doing this for at least 2 minutes

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The pranic tube is an energetic tube that follows the energy centers (chakras) in our bodies. We can bring God Source and physical earth energy into our bodies using this pathway. It runs from the crown to the perinium

Connect to the Earth – Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachumama, the physical planet – by imagining a chord dropping from the heart down to the perineum area all the wat to the center of the planet. Some visualize following a tree root. Acknowledge and honor that earth energy and bring it up following the prana path through each chakra (energy center) to your heart. Remember, healthy energy is light, translucent, moving and vibrant. Notice the color and substance of this energy and hold it in your heart.

Connect to the Source – Father Sky, Pachupapa, the All, the Universal Source – from your heart imagine a chord running from your heart through the crown chakra (energy center) and connecting all the way to your source. Acknowledge and honor that energy and follow the path back to your heart. Open the crown chakra, energy center like a lotus blossom or camera lens and follow the prana tube to your heart chakra.  Notice the color and substance of this energy and hold it in your heart.

Run energy through the prana tube, exit through the crown and rain through body’s field of energy re-entering the prana tube at the root chakra creating a torus. Keep doing this until you feel energized and balanced.

Run energy through the prana tube, exit through the crown and rain through body’s field of energy (aura) re-entering the prana tube at the root chakra creating a torus. Keep doing this until you feel energized and balanced.



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The heart is the first organ to develop … there is an honesty, a knowing there. When we connect and activate our heart, we can hear our story. The story we brought with us. A map of who we truly are. A connection to all that is and ever has been.

We are all connected. Connected to each other. Connected to the globe we live on. Connected to all life. Connected to the universe.


Breathe Through Your Heart and then ---



 I begin each and every day by shifting my focus to my heart; shifting my breath so it’s coming in and out of my heart; shifting the feeling I’m holding so it’s one of care, appreciation and acceptance. It all takes place in my heart. My heart that has gone through my life experience with me.

 My heart that, if I listen, will tell me when someone or something is true or false.

 My heart that comes up with dreams, images and thoughts. My mind will help me execute these ideas, manifest them into reality - my heart surprises me with a wealth of choices.     

 I’ll be presenting at the Creativity Conference at Southern Oregon University next month so heart and creativity have been swirling in my thoughts. I’ve been consciously checking in with my heart for three years now, before engaging in energy work, vision quest, meditation and other methods of communing with my higher self. I have found if I activate my heart energy and give it the lead on what I’m thinking or can’t quite figure out .. it will provide an answer or direction.

 Pretty exciting.

Check out my ‘event’ page ( and sign up to learn more about your best, longest known friend – your heart. Find out how to consciously connect and listen to what your heart is always telling you and the different ways it desperately tries to get your attention. So,

             Shift Focus

             Shift Breath

             Shift Feeling

 Breathe through your heart and then ….. get on with your creative day.

The HEARTMATH EXPERIENCE - Connect with the Heart of Who You Are

This is a video put out by the HeartMath™ Institute. It is a great explanation of HeartMath techniques and how you can use them to create resilience in your life. This is a FREE introductory course. THE HEARTMATH EXPERIENCE

HeartMath techniques can easily enhance your existing spiritual practice or used alone to bring the systems of your body into balance creating greater body, mind, spirit health. Enjoy … and please let me know how you like this experience. 


Heart and Health, Sandra